From 13 to 16 of May 2019 the German Air Force executed live firings in NAMFI with the anti-aircraft medium range weapon system PATRIOT, as a part of the annual Tactical Firing Evaluation of the German Units. The firings were executed against air teleguided drones and virtual ballistic missiles and were considered very successful. Target drones were provided by the private companies ‘AIRBUS’’ and ‘’TARGETS FOR MISSILE DEFENSE-TMD’’. The evaluation scenarios required careful preparation, excellent coordination and precise execution. These firings are considered to be of the most complicated and most demanding ones conducted at NAMFI. The firings were observed by several military VIP visitors of the participating country, including the Chief of staff of the German Air Force, Major General Gunter Giesa. Once again NAMFI’s personnel, facilities and means responded to the challenge by ensuring the safe environment for the firings.