For ensuring safety NAMFI has installed 2 Radar Systems in different locations:
The Air and Sea Surveillance Radar System, composed of five air and sea surveillance radars with mission to detect all aircrafts and ships closing NAMFI’s Range.
The Missile Tracking Radar System, composed of two missile tracking radars, with mission to track automatically launched missiles by SBAD W/S in the Missile Launching Area.
The Range’s ground area is where the SBAD Units deploy and the actual firings take place. Launching sites, deployment areas, missile assembly and storage areas, warehouses and offices, are facilities provided in this establishment in order for the Units to prepare themselves properly and to train in real war conditions.
The heart of the Launching Area is the Range Control Building (RCB), where all NAMFI’s safety personnel is stationed and from where all the activities are controlled and supervised. In the RCB exist the appropriate radio telecommunication systems, the command and control safety system and the cumulated air and sea safety picture from NAMFI’s radar systems.