The firings were conducted in the presence of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACUER) General Curtis M. Scaparroti, accompanied by the Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis. In a addition, numerous delegations observed the firings as well as Senior Officers and high ranked officials from the above countries, members of the Parliament of Germany and Netherlands and the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Greece. Some of the participants were the Vice Chief of the German Air Force, the Commanding General and Chief of Staff of German Air Force Forces Command, the Commander Ground Based Units of German Air Force Forces Command, the Director of Netherlands Defence Material Organization, the Deputy Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army, the Deputy Commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, the Deputy Commander of the US Armed Forces in Europe, the Commander 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command of US Army Europe and the Director Artillery Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.
The firings were conducted against air teleguided drones and ballistic missiles and were considered very successful. Target drones were provided by the private companies ‘AIRBUS’’ and ‘’TARGETS FOR MISSILES DEFENSE-TMD’’. The evaluation scenarios were the most complicated used in NAMFI with high degree of difficulty. NAMFI’s means and personnel once more responded to the challenge by ensuring a safety environment for the firings.