Ιn the context of the annual financial audit by the International Board of Auditors NATO (IBAN)
Ιn the context of the annual financial audit by the International Board of Auditors NATO (IBAN)
On Monday the 13th of September 2021, new USA Defense Attaché, Captain Mike BIERY accompanied by Deputy political advisor Mrs. Courtney KLINE, visited NAMFI.
From the 30th of August until the 02nd of September 2021, the second annual Users NAMFI Committee meeting (UNAC 2/2021), took place at NAMFI Officers Club «ASTERIA». User Nations, SHAPE representative, and NAMFI, discussed several issues regarding NAMFI’s planned activities, approved the 2022 NAMFI’s budget, and were briefed on proposals of upgrading services provided by…
On Tuesday 3rd of August 2021, NAMFI’s Commander met at his office with the new French Defence Attache Colonel Oliver MADIOT who was accompanied by the departing Defence Attache Colonel Charles ABALLEA.
NAMFI participated in the Defense Exhibition Athens 2021 with its own pavilion.
On Monday 12th of July 2021, State Secretary of MoD visited NAMFI
On Tuesday 6th of July 2021, NSA Souda Bay Commander Captain Rafael FACUNDO visited NAMFI Commander.
Οn Friday, 02nd July 2021, AHIF’s President Mr. Nick Larigakis and delegation of Professors and College Students visited NAMFI.
On Thursday 17th of June 2021, Commander Namfi met at his office with UK Liaison Officer based in Souda Cdr Ivor McQUAID
On Thursday 17th of June 2021, Commander NAMFI met at his office with departing USA Defense Attaché, Captain Timothy KETTER.
The reception working hours is 24/7 and the personnel is english spoken
Το Εστιατορια μπορεί να παρέχει υπηρεσίες φαγητού για περίπου 400 άτομα ταυτόχρονα, αλλά προσφέρει επίσης φαγητό σε πακέτο σε ζεστά ή κρύα κουτιά. Το μενού του mess hall περιλαμβάνει παραδοσιακό ελληνικό αλλά και μοντέρνο φαγητό.
Το κτήριο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως αίθουσα προβολής είτε για συνέδρια
This building can be used for conferences or projections.