Hellenic Live Firings at NAMFI
From Monday 2th to Friday 6th of November 2020, executed firings of anti-aircraft weapon systems at NATO Missile Firing Range by ADA Units of Hellenic Army General Staff (HAGS)
From Monday 2th to Friday 6th of November 2020, executed firings of anti-aircraft weapon systems at NATO Missile Firing Range by ADA Units of Hellenic Army General Staff (HAGS)
On Friday 16th of October 2020, NAMFI’s Commander Major General Kleanthis KARATSIN welcomed the visit of Assistant Secretary R. Clarke Cooper, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, accompanied by his staff.
On Thursday 08th of October 2020, NAMFI welcomed the visit of Brigadier General Gregory BRADY, commander of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command (10th AAMDC) of the American Forces in Europe
Την Πέμπτη 08 Οκτ 20, επισκέφθηκε το ΠΒΚ, ο Δκτης της 10ης Αντιαεροπορικής και Αντιπυραυλικής Διοίκησης των Αμερικανικών Δυνάμεων στην Ευρώπη (10th AAMDC) Ταξίαρχος Gregory BRADY
On Thursday 01th of Oct 20, the Hellenic Infantry conducted safely and successfully, live firings at NAMFI
The annual audit to NAMFI’s Financial Statement 2019 and Budgetary Results for F.Y. 2019 took place at NAMFI premises
From the 07th until the 10th of September 2020, the second Users NAMFI Annual Committee meeting, took place at the UNAC Conference Building
On Wednesday 17th of June 2020, the Hellenic Infantry conducted safely and successfully, live firings at NAMFI
In the context of the critical developments of the new COVID-19 pandemic virus and to ensure the protection of our staff and our visitors, based on guidance from the National Organization of Public Health
The reception working hours is 24/7 and the personnel is english spoken
Το Εστιατορια μπορεί να παρέχει υπηρεσίες φαγητού για περίπου 400 άτομα ταυτόχρονα, αλλά προσφέρει επίσης φαγητό σε πακέτο σε ζεστά ή κρύα κουτιά. Το μενού του mess hall περιλαμβάνει παραδοσιακό ελληνικό αλλά και μοντέρνο φαγητό.
Το κτήριο μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως αίθουσα προβολής είτε για συνέδρια
This building can be used for conferences or projections.