On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017, held visit to NATO MISSILE FIRING INSTALLATION by a group of foreign Defense Attachés, accompanied by a Greek delegation from HNDGS
On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017, held visit to NATO MISSILE FIRING INSTALLATION by a group of foreign Defense Attachés, accompanied by a Greek delegation from HNDGS
On Tuesday, April 18th, 2017 held visit to NATO MISSILE FIRING INSTALLATION by the Rear Admiral P.B.PANDIT
On Wednesday March 29, 2017 held official visit to NATO Missile Firing Installation by the German Defense Attaché
Courtesy visits to the Prefect of Chania, Mr. Apostolos VOULGARAKIS and the Mayor of Chania, Mr. Anastasios VAMVOUKAS, held today, Thursday, March 16, 2017, by the new Commander of the NATO MISSILE FIRING INSTALLATION (NAMFI), Brigadier General Anastasios GKOUMAS.
From 7th to 9th of March 2017, the first UNAC (User Nations Annual Committee) meeting for the year 2017 took place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The participants were delegation from the User Nations, SHAPE, Host Nation (Greece) and NAMFI and they discussed several issues regarding the proper and smooth operation and organization of NAMFI.
On Friday the 24th of February 2017 the change of NAMFI Command ceremony took place at the Cantonment Area of NAMFI, between Major General Konstantinos KOUTRAS and Brigadier General Anastasios GKOYMAS.
NAMFI participated again after 2015 in one of the most prestigious and biggest defense exhibitions, IDEX 2017. The exhibition took place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 19th to 23rd of February 2017.
On Thursday the 8th of December 2016 a delegation of US EUCOM staff personnel headed by Ambassador Susan M. Elliott, Civilian Deputy to the EUCOM Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor, visited NAMFI.
On Sunday the 4th of December 2016 NAMFI celebrated the Celebration Ceremony of St. Brbara, Patroness Saint of Artillery. The participants were the Bishops of the church of Chania and delegation from the Hellenic Armed Forces and the municipality from the region of Chania.
The reception working hours is 24/7 and the personnel is english spoken
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