
From June 27thto 29th 2017, NATO MISSILE FIRING INSTALLATION  participated with a delegation of two Officers at the 12thInternational Conference on Integrated Air and Missile Defence 2017 (12th IAMD 2017), which was held in Stockholm, Sweden by La SocieteSavante de l’ Aeronautique et de l’ Espace (3AF). The conference was attended by representatives of MoDs, Armed Forces, academics, research organizations and defense equipment companies. During the meeting, developments in air defense issues were presented, and in particular:


  • The current and the future operational air defense capabilities were presented by country representatives.


  • Fields of common interest and cooperation were explored by air defense participants.


  • The state-of-the-art technologies and capabilities of the interoperability of the weapon systems were presented.


  • The possibilities of modern air defense systems were presented.


NAMFI, in an attempt to attract new Users, has presented the most of its capabilities in firings, exercises and evaluations, and its experience in the performance of ATBM (Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile) and other kinds of firings, as well as its successful contribution to the operational training of air defense units.